Steven & Chris, me & a Giveaway for YOU!
When I started this blog I really didn’t realize all of the awesome things that could come across my path in doing so. Like getting invited to a special taping of the Steven & Chris show. As a blogger. With a whole wack-doodle of other lifestyle and design bloggers. As in somehow, their web-guy/gal (s) had the specific task of finding all of the bloggers who they felt would be a good pick (me?!) for the audience and to blog about it afterward.
It was an iPhone picture taking, tweeting extravaganza. The highest trending topic on twitter in the GTA this past Tues. (Oct the 19th). Airing tomorrow, Friday October 22 @ 2pm. on CBC. Maybe you’ll see my nerdy mug. I’m sure there are other talented peeps working behind the curtains on more live social media hoopla’s such as this. Brilliant idea. They know what’s goin’ on over there at CBC. Like tapping into the interwebs social networking hemisphere and blogging world? Joining forces with us? That’s clever action right there. I’m pretty sure there’s already been over 20 blog-posts authored from the taping, on high traffic sites, if twitter serves me correctly. If you didn’t click that link earlier, perhaps you already know who the Tom Ford / Abercrombie Fitch-esque (I totally stole that from them), designing duo are.
They are a fabulous gay couple going 20 years strong working together as a creative force to be reckoned with. Who yes, have published a book and have their own daytime t.v. show with one of the majors. And wine – they do WINE?! (Yes, it’s tasty). Taking it in stride, without even a minor quotient of snobbery. Sweet. Funny. Sincerely down-to-earth. Seriously, Chris should moonlight as a comedian. I gush. I know. But for reals…they were refreshing and inspiring and I had a blast. I know this because they mingled, ate lunch and took pictures with us. They conducted an intimate Q&A session allowing for photos and video. They set-up a network for us to blog/tweet live on as well as PC/MAC stations for those who did not bring their gear.
Speaking of lunch, they served up pulled the pork sammies that ladies man Chef Rodney executed for the show. Dang good ones at that. Smelled lush enough to bring Stromboli over from his set to join us. That and over 60 gorgeous women. Oh! And one very well dressed, funny lad. Not that they (Steven & Chris), did all of this personally perse, but hey, however it works. Whether it’s their Branding Producer or Exec. Producer or whoever that concocts such ideas as this. Who cares. They were all about it. Who knows, perhaps they have a large say in the concepts behind such extravaganza’s?
Jenny McCarthey was their celebrity guest, talking about the fine art of currently practicing Buddhism, growing up hardcore Catholic working in her family’s Polish Sausage making Deli where the inspiration came about to pose in Playboy. The hit of the hour of course, was her sharsies about her masturbation Bear, ‘Bubby’? Mmmmmmm. Bubby. And of course sex, lust, booty-calls….her book, which is something about all those things. While I may not be rushing out to buy her book, her Autism Organization; that’s something I can get behind.
I’ve been a huge fan of Steven & Chris though, since their days from charming Marilyn Dennis and her viewers on City TV. Ah, memories. Past long-time print/tv promo campaign boys for Benjamin Moore and HGTV’s ‘Designer Guys’ (2001), and a bunch of other amazing gigs I’m forgetting about. They are currently working on their 2nd book and will do a babies nursery featuring some of my work. Haaaahhhhaaaa. Jokes. One can dream, right? So. This brings me to my very first giveaway. For all you fellow avid HGTV’ers, DIY’ers and general lovers of all things design, charm, banter/wit, fashion, food and hilarity, (they have a regular chef spot, it’s daytime tv, ok?) DIY projects, check. Fashion highlights, check. Celebrity guest spot, check. Email viewer Q & A with design demo, check. Fabulous segments galore. Not in my listed order of operation of course.
I digress. Back to the give-away, right? As some of you readers may know, I have been going on forever about opening up my own Etsy Shop featuring my handmade goods for mama and babe. Well, I’ve been a busy girl this week. It’s up. Not my entire product line, this takes a lot of work! As a SAHM, who works from home, time is not a- plenty. I’ll not be consumed with it and neglect my sweet little man. Bf’ing as I type here. Whew. Another digression. Hello?! Are you still here? Apologies. Ahem.
*************UPDATE: CLOSED! Thanks for all of your entries!*****************
I have 4 FREEEEEEE TICKETS to a taping of the Steven & Cris Show! Lalalallaaaaaa! I know. Exciting times. They even have giveaway contests throughout the show and a swag-bag for everyone at the end. Hook-ups. How to enter? Basically, click ‘like’ on my le petit rêve Fan Page on Facebook. Then, follow me in Tweet-land! Not on Facebook or Twitter? Sorry my pretties, you have to be on at least one. If you are not on Facebook, then follow me on Twitter and tweet a link to my shop, tagging me (@lePETITtwit) so that I know you’ve done it! I’ll be drawing names of those who have entered by playing along. If you are on both networks, feel free to do both and I’ll enter your name twice in my little beret come draw-time. Feel free to pass this on to your friends to do as well…only bettering your chances of going if you don’t win! Muahahahaha. I’ll be announcing the winner on Nov. 1st 2010 here, on FB and Twitter as well. Oh, and there is no set date for the taping you get to go to if you win! Time slots:
Monday – Wednesday: 10:45 am
Thursday: 9:30 am & 12:30 pm
I’m gonna make entry really easy for you.
‘Like’ le petit rêve on facebook, and comment on the page by saying something silly you’d do to get the tickets! Have fun with it…
After you follow me, Copy and paste this on TWITTER as a tweet!
I want to go to the @stevenandchris show about as much as I want something from @lePETITtwit’s cute stuff on @Etsy!…
(No. That’s not a typo. Reve was taken ok? That and we can all use a little self deprecation now and then – ’cause really, I’m mostly the bomb-diggs.)
I know many of you are all interweb savvy, but some of my I.R.L. friends are not so this should be fair, yea? Peace out loverlies.
*************UPDATE: CLOSED! Thanks for all of your entries!****************
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This is the new home to a blog collective of two voices. A rich carnival for your senses. Recipes from life, love and the kitchen. Tellers of stories on motherhood, woman-hood and rabble-rousing. Of loss and triumph – lightness and darkness. From our tribes to yours…we look forward to connecting with you.
What??? There was wine?
How did I miss that? Great post, beautiful!
heh heh. aw, how did I miss this comment? there was no wine at the taping…i guess i did not clarify that. i sipped on said wine the night before the taping. but we should mos def quaf on that if we ever get #winoTObloggers on the loose!
Sounds like fun! I love your blog and am your newest follower from MBC:)
it was a ton of fun deana! they are so down-to-earth, cute and inspiring. did i mention cute? heh heh. thanks to MBC, i’m off to visit yours and give a follow back!
Hey there: I just found your blog on MBC simply follow group. I am now following your great blog and would love if you could do the same.
Thanks and Keep in Touch
thanks for the visit rose, MBC rocks! i’m going to pay it forward now!
I am now following you from MBC. I’d love for you to come follow me back at (my mainstream mom blog) and/or (my fictional fairy blog- just for fun!)
hey brae! thanks for checking out my blog! hope to see you back, i’m off to return the gestures!
Looks like you had a blast!
I’m a new follower. I found you through MBC. Hope you can stop by my blog some time soon. I have a lot of cool giveaways going on…Carmex Kit, CSN GC, L’BRI Skincare products, boogie Wipes and some others.
Emy´s last blog post ..Review- Olivers Labels
hey emy, thanks for the visit and the follow…i did have a hoot! i’m going to check out the giveaways very soon!
we were on the show on 5 Dec 2013, we had lots of fun