From The Vault: My Most Favourite Posts

I’ve noticed quite a few, “Top Posts of 2011″ and the like from writers in the blogging community.

I however have decided to choose from the much smaller collection from whence this blog began.

Why? Because I started out as an irregular, complete novice. Who still does not post everyday. However, come this year a whole lot of things are changing. The face of this site for one. Come February it’s going to be shiny and new, a hub for all that I do. More on that later.

This collection here? Is for me to share with those whom want to get to know me better, or those whom I really, really, like and want them to know me better. The awesome part about that is that it’s often a combo of the two.

It’s also a source of inspiration, for me – to come back to and meander over how I’ve evolved as a writer, found my voice and developed my mad blogging skillz. Because. Like I said. I plan on doing much more of this. In many ways. As an advocate, as a story-teller, as an ambassador and paid writer. But most importantly, for me and other women like me out there. Because the writing stuff? It heals. It empowers. It unites.

So. This curated list will be the first step into my second coming. A more frequent, constantly learning, embracing the everyday that is me. As a writer.  Gone the name acronyms will be, it’s about to get straight-up – the edgy that is me, REAL in here.

Without further ado…to serve as reminder to me. Kicks in the pants to me and FYI’s for you. So pull up a chair. Pour yourself a glass of vino. (I’m publishing this in the eveing people, as I pour myself a glass). Dig in.

BSM: Big Strapping Man (To always remember this is how I truly love HIM)

Bison Stew (Because I love to cook and you all NEED to cook this recipe)

To Have & Have Not (Of Infertility & Blessed Miracles)

Black Cherry Raw Chocolate Pie (Because obviously)

9 Month Old Wee Strappin’ Lad: Aka – WSL (How my heart bursts and still does)

No No Keshagesh… (My thoughts on many things First Nations, Native American, Christopher Columbus and then some)

Ghosts of Christmas Past (To remind me to share, and share unabashedly – more often. Because there are those who need to read my sort of stories. Heck, I need to write out my stories. Good and bad.)

Watch Them Undead Get Groovy See? (Because I’ll always be a little bit wild and that’s OK)

To Be Young & Wild & Free. A Love Story (Of How The Mister & I Met. Also, on valuing oneself)

A Day in The Life (All Wyndham, All Awesome)

The Naming Ceremony (For those who ask me about my beliefs & practices)

Abigail’s Birth Vlory (A vlog, yo’)

2 Years Old…Wyndham (Image heavy and completely necessary)

Very Beautiful Things (a look at where I’ve been & where I’m going with my business)

Tour of My Holiday Home (Because I love Christmastime and there are pictures of the siblings! Together! Not crying!)


  1. Reply
    Angel Collins 17/01/2012

    I am glad that you listed out all your favorite posts. It will be a nice week for me to read your favorite posts since I am only new in reading your blog. So, thanks! and keep it up! :)

  2. Reply
    mistyka 17/01/2012

    You should check this out…

    I saw this really great post today….

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