DIY: Brown Sugar, Sea Salt, Lavender & Oatmeal Scrub

For those of you with combination skin – this (easy) body scrub is for you. Most often we are given the (very expensive) option of purchasing either a salt OR sugar based body scrub…
Add into that equation; having sensitive, combination skin (me), or the natural desire that many of us have to use natural and/or organic ingredients. For all of our vast (often common) and entirely justifiable reasons. No, I don’t need to explain to you why I prefer purchasing organic body products and food when I can – just like you don’t need to tell me why you covet or purchase pimped out vehicles or Prada for your toddlers. (Or self.)
Not that I mean to be making vast comparisons between the two. There are many of us who fall somewhere in the middle and strive at making less materialistic driven, more sound financial decisions, about what products we buy as well as what we put on and into our bodies.
Me? I’m all over the boards. I’m working on it. That process is part of the reason that I refuse to pay an exorbitant price for something that I can easily make myself at a fraction of the cost. In minimal time. Also? I never believed in the benefits of using an all-over body exfoliant.
Then I read that 90% of the dust in our homes is dead skin cells. GAG.
I mean – I use exfoliating gloves everyday in the shower, so I didn’t think I needed anything more than that. Since the New Year I’ve been maintaining some lifestyle changes that I’m proud of. Many of which entail going to bed and waking up earlier to give myself more me time before the craziness of the day starts. To nourish and challenge my body, cleanse my mind and steer away from manic mornings.
How I start my day makes such an incredible difference. For myself, for my kids. Since I’ve been running and falling IN LOVE with yoga, I’ve been sweating A LOT more. And my skin since having children? HUGE changes. I’ve decided to actually pay that some attention. Simply put, the difference in my skin since I’ve started using my little home-made body scrub has been mroe than noticeable. It’s been divine.
It’s a mighty fine thing to feel good in one’s skin. It is a small token of self-respect to take some extra time a couple of times a week when I have a shower or a bath to light some candles, set up my own-spa-like experience and reward myself for all of the hard work I’ve been doing that doesn’t come in the form of chocolate or a cocktail. (Both of which are lovely things, I’m just discovering other good ones too.)
So. Now that I’ve sufficiently blathered on about the many reasons as to why you should ‘treat yourself’ to stepping up your body-care routine, and why it’s totally worth it, I’ll leave you. Although not before I share with you the simple, deeply satisfying art of doing and not buying! (Granted, you may have to purchase some of these ingredients, which is to be expected.)

What You’ll Need:
- 1/2 a cup of oatmeal
- 1 cup of coarse or fine sea salt (your choice)
- 1 cup of brown sugar
- 1/4 cup dried lavender (optional)
- 1 cup melted coconut oil
- 6 drops of lavender oil
- 4 drops of tea tree oil
- measuring cup
- funnel
- big bowl
- wooden spoon and big mixing bowl
- big mason jar or alternative glass storage jar (I used one from Ikea that’s easy to open and close in the tub with wet hands.)
How You Do:
1. It’s pretty straight-forward and so simple. Begin by combining the salt, oatmeal, sugar, dried lavender and oils; in a big bowl for mixing.

2. Scoop, measure and melt the coconut oil. Pour it into your delicious smelling bowl of ingredients.



3. Mix and knead that action up. Put your back into it a bit.


4. That’s it! You are done. Funnel your finished body scrub into your storage container.

5. Use it and glory in the small things. Clearly I don’t need to tell you that this also makes an awesome gift, right?

Stay tuned for a DIY face scrub tutorial next week! Addendum: Here it is!
Until the next. xo
You’re awesome! This scrub looks so awesome I want to eat it not lather my body with it. You’re also a runner now? Good girl!!! It’s my fav sport and free too! I run almost everyday for 45 mins and my body loves me for it; or my mind loves me more. I do it to feel good – body image is second on my list.
So happy to see you stewing away in your creat-a-kitchen and making fab items for the world to see. Proud of you and what you’ve become! All the best my friend.
Jennifer Avventura´s last blog post ..The signs of Rum Point at Grand Cayman, eh!
Oh Jen! You know I still struggle with some stuff – but things are definitely better! You’ve always been a fittie – which has always been an inspiration to me. They key for me, has been making it a way of life – creating challenges I look forward to, building a regimen that I believe in and couldn’t see NOT having in my life. Food & fitness, yeah! Wishing you must of the same old friend, always. xo
This looks great. I think i have all the ingredients so i’m going to make one for myself and one for my bff for her birthday. Thank you!
Piper´s last blog post ..Creative Inspiration
Piper! I think I remember you from the artwork there in your thumbnail – did we go to the same Hypnobirthing class once upon a time ago? I’ve used the scrub quite a few times now since I’ve made it and I’ve got to give myself props on this one. So cheap and easy to make and simply divine to use! So yea, do it! For you and your friend. Ahhhhhh.
[…] Something that I’ve been getting into is weekly exfoliation of the body and face. For a natural DIY body scrub, click here. […]