DIY: All Purpose Moisturizing and Healing Salve
When we’re longing for days like this…
And our once sun-drenched skin cries out for more; mere lotion alone, for most, is but a joke. Most kids I know, mine included, get dry, itchy skin in the winter…and so do I. I also have sensitive skin, and thus, so do my children. I’ve never been a fan of drugstore brand creams and salves. The holistic brands while worth it, are usually quite expensive. So, long ago, back when I did that artisan thing…I dabbled in apothecary and herbalism and made what at the time, I dubbed: Cheeky Bum Salve. It was one of my top sellers on-line and at shows. It’s the one thing people are still emailing me for and is well requested from family and friends. It took me a while to perfect it and now I have a luxuriously versatile, healing and moisturizing salve.
We especially go through a lot of this salve in the winter to stave of ‘winter cheeks’ and chapped lips, that babies, toddlers, kids (even the big ones) are prone to, especially if they live in the polar vortex and still love to play outside. Complimented by the fact that kids are always getting cuts and scrapes and who needs a bunch of different creams and salves for all the things? While initially making this may not be what most would consider, ‘easy’ … you definitely won’t regret it. Slather it on your feet and put socks on overnight. Use it as a carrier with other oils for massage and to rub into the soles of your little ones’ feet and their chest when they’re sick. Use it in place of Polysporin or in place of a medicated salve for burns, cuts and scrapes.
I currently have some slathered on my hand, due to a rather nasty burn I gave myself last night cooking dinner. Of course, it’s a fantastic diaper rash salve and everyday little cheeky bum protectant. I don’t wait until Abby or Wyndham have dry chapped cheeks or lips to use this though, I use it as a protectant, in the same way I did when they were in diapers. I have been extra diligent this year as last winter they both got horribly chapped lips hat were painful to look at and Abby especially, took a long-time to heal, application after application. Now it’s a part of our morning routine before we go out in the morning and to bed at night. All over the face, just a bit. On their thighs and outer arms and back, all the places that get really dry in the winter, in addition to cream, after every bath. In staying on top of their skin-care this way we’ve managed to get to February without any outbreaks. The bonus is that they look forward to all the massages and have gotten into the habit of asking for applications of the salve. If you’re wondering just how versatile this salve is in addition to all that I’ve mentioned, check out the full list below…
- Diaper rash
- Burns
- Bee stings
- Insect bites
- Sunburns
- Flaky scalp and cradle cap
- Cuts and scrapes
- Fever blister
- Dry rough hands (especially good for famers and mechanics!)
- Chapped lips
- Itchy skin
- Poison ivy
- Eczema
- All ’round moisturizer for dry climates
- 4 cups olive, coconut and / or almond oil
- ¾ cup of shredded beeswax or beeswax pastilles
- 2 tbsp dried camomile (anti-inflammatory)
- 2 tbsp dried plantain leaf (healing)
- 2 tbsp dried calendula flowers (soothing)
- 2 tbsp dried lavender flowers (antiseptic)
- 6 drops tea tree oil (optional - anti-bacterial)
- 2 tbsp vitamin e (moisturizing antioxidant)
- 4 tbsp shea butter (superb, healing moisturizer)
- To infuse the coconut oil (or other oil) with the herbs you can either combine the herbs and your oil of choice in a big jar (or two! Double batches are a good thing, this stuff lasts forever) for about 3-4 weeks, shaking every couple of days. OR ... you can heat the herbs and oil over low/low heat the oven at 200 F for about 3 hours until the oil is very green. Don't be tempted to speed things up by turning up the heat!
- Pour through a cheesecloth lined strainer and squeeze the baggie of herbs to get get all of the goodness out!
- Discard the herbs.
- Heat the infused oil in a double boiler on low heat with the beeswax, shea butter, tea tree oil and vitamin e until all is melted and mixed.
- Pour into small tins, glass jars or whatever recycled vessel with a lid you want, really. It's rewarding to make and watch as it sets and gets all solid!

Winter Salvation! (See what I did there?!?! Nerd alert, I know.)
This is a while off yet (for those of us residing in sub-zero temps) …
Although very soon we’ll be welcoming these…
It’s coming beauties. Promise. Until then, revel in this if you can.