Posts Tagged: Babble

Good-bye To Winter: Weekend Reading

Some suggested reading for this fine weekender while you

Weekend Reading

Things have been pretty crazy this week, as in more than usual. I’ve been stretching out of my comfort zone in covering some of the films and events for the imagineNATIVE blog. I have stacks of notes and pictures and video to edit for 2 different articles, this is to be a working weekend indeed.

Also, hey! Christmas came early this year with the delivery of our long-awaited dining room furniture. My friends, this has been a long time coming. For years, we’ve been using the rickety set that I bought used back in my college days. I know. Feeling very grown up, kind of sort of. As someone who loves to cook and entertain, this is big. I’ve dreamed of having a big harvest table. To me, the hub and heart of the home…

Toronto Island Hits The Spot

Boat Rides



In these last few precious days of summer, I can’t help but look forward to fall. Autumn would be my favourite time of year if we had the long days of sunlight that come with the summer.

That’s the one thing that truly makes my heart ache a little with the change of seasons (from summer to fall). When the daylight hours start to trickle down and it starts to get dark earlier. Soon, we’ll be trying to get dinner on the table earlier so we can still get in a walk or a trip to the park before it gets dark.

Summer always seems so short and winter is so, so long. I try to remember that whenever I get a hankering for fall. I also try to pack in as much outdoor activities during the last days of August as I can. I think many mothers must do this. Right?

On The Move From Misery & Reggie Watts

Since the catastrophic catastrophe (yes, that is INDEED how it’s been), of my hard-drive giving me the royal salute, things have been quiet around here.

Which I had vowed not to do since becoming a full-time writer and all. Suffice to say things are back up and running and I am slowly rebuiling what I lost since my last back-up.

My one word of advice to those of you whose world’s would some to a screeching halt if your hard-drive went BOOM?

Misery (Brought To You By The Letter M)

So my computer.

My shiny Mac, (see money making devise. Because I is a blogger who writes for the pleasure but also for the monies), has given me the finger. For the second time in 6 months.

Just Like That

Bliggity Bloggedy Blogging Machine?

Lately, I’ve been rummaging. Sorting. Through the deep caverns that make up the complexity of my soul and mind. Often, the two – they have it out with each-other. They wrestle and grapple to make and enjoy peace at home, joy in the little things and lapse into a graceful stride. Stride and grace as a mother, stride and grace in my career(s). With a modicum of success.

One of a Kind Spring Show 2012

So lately, I’ve been gently dissecting Pros & Cons lists under a heavy restraint of realism, burgeoning from my dreams. How exactly does that work? I’ll let you know when I have it figured out.  In the meantime, it means making hard decisions, because a mother of young babies and toddlers simply cannot have multiple careers and live a happy life.

So. (cue the drum-roll)…

From The Vault: My Most Favourite Posts

I’ve noticed quite a few, “Top Posts of 2011″ and the like from writers in the blogging community.

I however have decided to choose from the much smaller collection from whence this blog began.

Why? Because I started out as an irregular, complete novice. Who still does not post everyday. However, come this year a whole lot of things are changing. The face of this site for one. Come February it’s going to be shiny and new, a hub for all that I do. More on that later.

This collection here? Is for me to share with those whom want to get to know me better, or those whom I really, really, like and want them to know me better. The awesome part about that is that it’s often a combo of the two.

It’s also a source of inspiration, for me – to come back to and meander over how I’ve evolved as a writer, found my voice and developed my mad blogging skillz. Because. Like I said. I plan on doing much more of this. In many ways. As an advocate, as a story-teller, as an ambassador and paid writer. But most importantly, for me and other women like me out there. Because the writing stuff? It heals. It empowers. It unites.

So. This curated list will be the first step into my second coming. A more frequent, constantly learning, embracing the everyday that is me. As a writer.  Gone the name acronyms will be, it’s about to get straight-up – the edgy that is me, REAL in here.

Without further ado…to serve as reminder to me. Kicks in the pants to me and FYI’s for you. So pull up a chair. Pour yourself a glass of vino. (I’m publishing this in the eveing people, as I pour myself a glass). Dig in.

Tour of My Holiday Home

Welcome. Mayhaps you found your way here from the Babbles, as I peaked your interest and you wanted more. More Holiday Home Tour action. Because that coffee and Bailey’s I told you to pour yourself is not quite finished and if you’re like me, you find small pleasure in A. Christmas and all things decor related and, B. Pilfering your time away on the internets 2 days before said holiday C. Drinking bailey’s during the holidays. ICed or on coffee. (I should be the Holiday spokesperson for Bailey’s with the amount that i go on about it. Seriously. Uhm, hello Gilbey’s of Ireland? Or Diageo? I’m right here. I’m your woman for 2012.

Anyhoo…behold! My nerdly, blitzed out splendour…

Exit Newborn-hood, Enter Infantry

Abby that is, not me. Although – this could be debated in some circles I am sure.

Now that we’re here it’s as though the time has passed within the blink of an eye. However.

In the moment, when were walking the floors, rocking, and soothing as best we know how – it seems as if time stands still.

And we’re hanging it seems – by a thread. As parents hoping and praying we are doing it well.

I wrote Abby a letter today on the babble’s, where she stars in a small style photo shoot, with some choice family shots thrown in between.

This month has found me in swirling water. Catching up as best I can – knowing I have to cut something from my resume, not sure what.

Somehow though – I’ve managed to keep the candle burning from both ends, wherein you can too – do some catching up. Join me over on the babbles, if you are so inclined. Y’know – with a mind for all things baby:

My Little Look-a-Likes

Up All Night


Abby’s First Pumpkin Patch Trip

Forward Facing & Loving It

On Baby Girls (and Boys), Fairy Tales & The Princess Paradox

Already? Natural Teething Remedies For Early Poppers

10 (Adorable) DIY Baby Sleep Sack Tutorials

There’s more…but of course. Once you’re there – obviously, you’ll know how to find them.

Peace out beauties. Until the next.

Murderous Mondays

While I may not be dead (yet), I most definitely feel it. No amount of coffee, or vitamin D or smoothies can save me. Except maybe the Fedex man. He can make me smile.

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