Posts Tagged: branding power
Steven & Chris, me & a Giveaway for YOU!
When I started this blog I really didn’t realize all of the awesome things that could come across my path in doing so. Like getting invited to a special taping of the Steven & Chris show. As a blogger. With a whole wack-doodle of other lifestyle and design bloggers. As in somehow, their web-guy/gal (s) had the specific task of finding all of the bloggers who they felt would be a good pick (me?!) for the audience and to blog about it afterward.
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This is the new home to a blog collective of two voices. A rich carnival for your senses. Recipes from life, love and the kitchen. Tellers of stories on motherhood, woman-hood and rabble-rousing. Of loss and triumph – lightness and darkness. From our tribes to yours…we look forward to connecting with you.