Posts Tagged: cuteness

Babies Are Weird

Mini Oddballs
It’s true. Those of you with these mysterious little nuggets know exactly what I am talking about. In my quest to conquer all that is baby-strange I’ve devised a brilliant plan of parenting counter-attacks…


Things have been quiet around here this week and I realized that perhaps I should mention why. Come next week, these kitschy corners will have been over-hauled. As you may know, I do all of my own design work and the mister does all the coding. All I will say is that you you should probably expect the unexpected (eye roll, right?) as it’s all been rather agonizing/exciting.

I however have still found plenty of time to hoard up in the kitchen, drink excellent beer and wine, muddle about with pumpkins and gourds and play with my kiddos. So. At least there’s all of that. Here’s what we’ve been up to lately, photo essay style (which no, does not mean this is a lazy post, collages take time my friends!)

a Year in the Life of Abby

Remember that video I was talking about a while back? The one I was going to make featuring some of the best snippets (digitally captured at least), of Abby’s first year on planet earth?

Well I finally got around to finishing it. You’re welcome aunties, uncles, g-mas and g-pas! And yes, you too – dear friends of the internets. A baby’s 1st year is quite the entertaining, darling and most amazing wonder. Truly. I’m especially partial, being that she’s mine…


My sister in-law …(well, officially…not really. Someday – when we decide to officially get hitched it’ll be all officially official for ya). As I was syaing, my sister-in-law….

She turned 40 this past weekend and we had a grand weekend of family gatherings coupled with somewhat debaucherous shenanigans. The mister and I racked our brains on what to get her for this momentous day. It didn’t take long before it struck me. 

Currently Digging On…

Nick Sherman. He’s a fine cross of Ray LaMontagne meets John Mayer, except he’s Anishinaabe – so way better.

I kid.

Or do I?

I was introduced to him at ANDPVA’s last Red Revue at The Sister in Toronto. It was also on this night that I was introduced to the greatness that is Dr. James Luna. If you don’t know about this award winning, Pooyukitchum (Luiseño) and Mexican-American performance artist and multimedia installation artist – you should.

I was lucky enough to have had the Digging Roots time-warp encapsulate him on his way back home from a big tour, wherein he played all night at our neighbourhood block party. Along with DRoots. (Video after the jump!)

Rockstars That Glow

Nick Sherman With Digging Roots

A Family Affair

This. The pure and absolute joy of a toddler and their baby sister riding high on the fumes of summer. Sweet, hot, simple summer.

Seemingly made just for little ones.

Against the backdrop of a tree-lined sunset, where everything in it’s last waking moments is made to glow. Things look perfect in this light.

Love For The Win


It’s been a couple of weeks since we came home from Mexico. The whole reason for the trip being my soon-to-be sister-in-law’s wedding to a charming, top-notch fellow. I was the official (or unofficial? I’m far from a profesh.) photographer for the weeding, as well as the co-host of the reception with the mister.

Today I spent much of the day (and last night), finally wading through all of the photos I took. Editing and choosing, and grinning much of the time. Don’t even get me started. How much do I love photography? How many jobs do I already have? Oh boy. Don’t even think it, right?

Without going into too much detail, because in doing so I would be sharing stories that are not my own – I’m here to pronounce, with all the weight of my voice and belief in my soul, that blended families? They are so much more than the media gives them credit for. They are twice the love. They are twice the support. They are twice the unity. They are twice the work, sure; in many cases.

I am a firm believer that we are the masters of our own destiny and that while life is never perfect and it throws cataclysms our way that we can’t control, our reactions and how we deal are purely our own. Leading a life with integrity – holding your relationships up high; with respect and taking responsibility for ones own actions goes a long way. Which has everything to do with humanism and nothing to do with perfectionism.

This extended family that I have been blessed into, inspires me. It gives me hope and heals the jagged tears of my mind that once (partially) defined what family meant. Fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, brides and grooms…to my new(ish) family, to Sarah and Jon the honeymooners – we are all living the dream. Aren’t we?

Some photo’s from the wedding…

The Baby Whisperer

By The Glow of The iPad: It’s Like Magic!

Love For The Momma

More Love For The Momma

& Yet More…

Ladies & Gent



Kiss Kiss


Mother & Daughter

It’s In The Small Moments…

Lift Up

Jump Up & Get Down!

Happy Family

a True Magic Moment

The Whole Family & Then Some! (Minus our little babes in daycare).

Too see the rest of the pics, head on over to my Flickr page!

31 Things I Love About You

A day of dread is now a day of celebration.

Father’s Day.

This, an open letter, for all that is wonderful in my small life and so very different from that of parts of my childhood. I used to think that patient, gentle, happy, good fathers were a rarity. Ones that are ever present, right down to dirty diaper changing and late night rocking? Unheard of.

Perhaps that’s the way it is in some other peoples worlds. More-so the dirty, sleepless duties parts.

Not mine. I’m a lucky gal all over the place.

It would seem that no matter how much I used to think I didn’t deserve much more in relationships than what I had been witness to during my childhood; weird, challenging and awesome love? It found me. I didn’t go on ardent search for it – but surely, I did a lot of work within myself before it happened. And I’m still not there. The work is constant, the road is weathered and blossoming and I find myself rolling off into ditch somewhere at times, but still.

When it all comes right down to it – within this great unknown, my own imagination could not have dreamt up a better father for my children. Or partner. For all of our struggles, there is a connection, an acceptance and a passion (however dormant it may lie at times in the wake of newborn after newborn); that makes us solid. Even when we quiver.

It is said that the baby and toddler years are incredibly hard on a relationship. Sure.

They are also part of the glue that keeps us all together. Not all of it – because that would be sad really. No one should ever work to be and stay in a relationship for the sole, ‘sake of the kids’. But the honey of a toddler’s mind and a baby’s adoration is a predominant part of our little hive, my friends. The rest is up to us, to ensure that our sacred commitment; of grandeur and love, never fizzles out. And if it does? To know there will always be embers glowing, just waiting for me/us to get a little dirty at striking them back up again.

Okay, so enough with the metaphors. What I really want to share on the internets, with Father’s Day coming up and all – is a pictorial list of 31 things I love about him, as a father.

A Toddler’s Fear of Water: Gentle Perseverance

When we first arrived in Mexico, we thought our young lad would be all about the water. Having experienced his fear of the water last summer season back home at our local beach, we were active in helping him overcome those fears, gently, without force. Our patience and calm nature seemed to work and by the end of the summer Wyndham was frolicking about in the waves without a care in the world.

Which is why we thought that this summer he’d be ready to attempt learning some swimming with us, use a paddle-board, maybe some head under water action. We especially thought he’d be stoked with all of the pools and miles of beach we are surrounded with here in Mexico.

First rule of parenting that we keep learning over and over again?

Never think you have it all figured out, or that you have a routine. Because little humans are just like us big ones who have the right to change our minds about what we fancy, when we want to sleep and eat, etc.


No matter how much we may think he’d have a splendid time splashing about in the pool with us, his sister, his cousin, other family and friends – it was important for us to remember that we can’t push our own expectations onto our little guy. While there may be a large number of little ones who joyously take to the water, there are also a bunch of babies and toddlers who would rather be doing anything else. Anything. Which is completely normal.

My Top 10 Ways To Gently Help a Toddler Overcome Their Fear of the Water…

Magical Moments: Pictorial

It’s been 10 months since Wyndham became a big brother and what a joy it has been to watch them grow together, and discover their love for each-other. At times, stepping in as the referee is less enchanting – usually to keep Wyndham from launching blocks at his little sister’s head…but that all comes with the territory, right?

Being so close in age; 2 1/2 (Wyndham) and 10 months (Abby), I’m starting to hit a stride. One that savours all of the precious moments and pauses on being too reactionary when Wyndham gets physical with his little sister. We’re all just figuring this out together as a family, with as much love and positivity that we can muster. Which isn’t hard really – most of the time, except when it isn’t. Moms of littles close in age out there, I know ya feel me.

With my exciting new writing gig with Disney Baby (starts next month!) I wanted to provide some of the audience I’ll be connecting  with there, a real, visual sense of who we are as a family and of our littles as siblings. The best part about all of this is, it doesn’t even feel like work! I mean, talking about my babies? Sharing tips with other Momma’s out there? Right up my alley. Without further ado, here are some of my favourite pictures of Abby and Wyndham over the past 10 months. Family pics up next week…enjoy!