Posts Tagged: etsy

Bliggity Bloggedy Blogging Machine?

Lately, I’ve been rummaging. Sorting. Through the deep caverns that make up the complexity of my soul and mind. Often, the two – they have it out with each-other. They wrestle and grapple to make and enjoy peace at home, joy in the little things and lapse into a graceful stride. Stride and grace as a mother, stride and grace in my career(s). With a modicum of success.

One of a Kind Spring Show 2012

So lately, I’ve been gently dissecting Pros & Cons lists under a heavy restraint of realism, burgeoning from my dreams. How exactly does that work? I’ll let you know when I have it figured out.  In the meantime, it means making hard decisions, because a mother of young babies and toddlers simply cannot have multiple careers and live a happy life.

So. (cue the drum-roll)…

Our Newest (Etsy) Addition: Sleepsacks!

Because babies are wriggly. And it’s dang cold outside. If you live in a cold climate like me. Even if not, those babies are famous for wanting to be all cozy and wrapped up. So demanding, I know!

So. There are woombies and sleep-sacks galore out there that you can parouse over on the internets. Most of them also cost about the price of a small goat. The organic ones? 2 goats. That’s crazy talk. If you’ve babies and a wallet to tend to, I’ve got your back. Avails in 0-18 months, you can custom order organic or vintage fabrics – or a combo of both.

Whatever floats your boat. Lined with high pile, warm and soft organic sherpa, fleece or flannel. (Flannel is a great light-weight choice, for those who don’t live in a cold climate, but still want to provide something cozy for their baby that they can’t kick off at night.) Check ’em out…

VBT Show & Tell Plus Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sale!

I got a phone call this morning that made me feel so darn good. It was a friend, whose little one has an intense, shall we say – diaper rash. She was calling me because this is upsetting. For both mama and tot. Understandably, I’ve been there. She had called her sister in-law who told her to call me. Me? Me! It feels good to know that other mama’s respect and admire me the way that I do them. That my salve is making the rounds amongst family and friends as this sort of miracle product? Sweet.

I’ve put so much research, time and care into mastering this salve. People are telling me to get it certified, (as I use all organic ingredients). It’s an expensive, paper crunching, timely process – but Ima thinkin’ I will. That and my plush toy certification, thingy. Whatever that’s called. Sandy? (<The afore mentioned mama) Sandy also has an Etsy shop and a blog – both of which are awesome and you should check out. Her sister in-law is also a kick-ass business woman, mama and a dear friend – my son Wyndham’s sponsor in fact. She’s a guru baker babe and mighty fine writer. Here and here.

The Madness That Is This Week

Doing a big show this weekend. My first one. Talking in point form. Up all night (and no, nothing to do with that weak-ass new show – sorry peeps, meh. Looks like it could be good, but in fact – overall? It’s sucks monkey balls. In my humble opinion.)

So. Up all night finishing plush and all sorts of other new product and stock…you can read about how I’ve managed over on the Babble’s today. Meanwhile, here’s a few pics of the madness.

Bloggy Tweaks & Chevy Quilts!

Things are hustle and bustle around here and I am nothing short of a multi-tasking queen of ferocity. At this exact moment I am typing one-handed whilst pumping some dodosh (milk), for Lil’ Abner. No point in wasting the tiny pockets of time I have. Speaking of which…other larger amounts have been dedicated to product assembly. That’s right, I have a line going and shit. It feels good. I’ve put so much work into my business, I can’t quite describe to you how much awesome it is to get in my studio and whip things off.

Murderous Mondays

While I may not be dead (yet), I most definitely feel it. No amount of coffee, or vitamin D or smoothies can save me. Except maybe the Fedex man. He can make me smile.

The Babe, She Sleeps. At 1 Month Old Today!

The BSM is away on tour. This video of their Tom Foolery during a Robson Valley mudslide has some to do with their musical talent but all sorts to do with their plain awesomeness.

As of Late

Custom orders seems to be where it’s at these days for me and my little Etsy Shop, here are some pieces I’ve done recently…

This fabric combo has been popular. Mix of soft vintage & organic flannels, backed with organic fleece by Michael Miller Fabrics. The softest I've ever touched!

Folded Detail

Where, Oh Where

Have I been? Painting, painting, painting. Designing kitchen islands and fireplace mantles, unpacking and organizing galore. Not to mention working on my new spring line, making application deadlines for summer fall and Christmas artisan shows and taking on a new contract as the ‘social media maven’ (?) for Borealis Records. Yes, the WSL in in daycare part-time.  Going on 2 weeks and he LOVES it. I am not that kind of super-woman.

We may not have done ‘hard-core’ reno’s…but yea. It’s been quite enough for us! Phew! (Not to mention the actual pack, move and the un-packing which can’t really be done till the painting is done, all with a toddler under-foot, WHEEeeeEEEee!

le petit rêve on etsy!

So I’ve finally got my shop up on the lovely online shopping network of Etsy. Etsy is a place where artisans who make handmade goods thrive, support one another and promote each-others business’. With a big-time grassroots community vibe in a hip, trendy yet traditional and professional manner. Serious. I’m quite impressed with the quality of useful resources, handbooks, guides, articles and tech-geek plug-ins available to sellers. I have been utilizing everything they have to offer for success by researching, reading and studying my booty off. Ask me how things are going next year this time.

Please, visit my shop – and in the spirit of the upcoming Holidays, remember to buy handmade! Perhaps I don’t have what you are looking for, another seller does! Spin a record, pour a drink and check out my favourites, or go off on your own adventure without venturing into the dull-drum of malls.

As with the nature of shopping on-line, the waiting time for shipment can be a bother if you are in a rush. So I created these groovy little gift cards on Picnik. Oh my that action is