Posts Tagged: Little Big Spirit Running

The Naming Ceremony

Over the weekend, our elder came to visit. This woman, this goddess, this Midewin Healer, has brought so much cohesion, knowledge, love, ceremony, healing and understanding into our family. I am grateful everyday for the relationships that have transpired because of you and me, songbird. Songbird is one of my best girl’s and our elder is her mama.

The Naming Ceremony

This particular visit was to ‘officially’ offer her sema (tobacco, one of the four sacred medicines) to seek a name for our new growing baby, still on the inside, so that she may begin the task of prayer and fasting. For those of you who don’t know, this is part of the process called, The Naming Ceremony, a First Nations Cultural ceremony.

It is where one receives their spirit name, which tells you something about that person, their personality, their mission in this life. Parents may choose to use the spirit name given by their elder as a first or second name.

When a name is decided upon, the naming ceremony begins. Most of the time, the one who presents the name is the one to whom the sema was given, but this is not always the case. The name is presented to the grandfather spirits in the four directions, and everyone who is in the ceremony has to say that traditional name is presented. The family usually prepares a feast and does a giveaway.

Nighty Night

It’s been months since we transitioned from co-sleeping to Wyndham sleeping in his own bed. That was no easy feat. We were all up in arms over how to do it, because nearing his 1st b-day we I, were just not getting enough/any sleep!

Sleeping Sweetness

Where, Oh Where

Have I been? Painting, painting, painting. Designing kitchen islands and fireplace mantles, unpacking and organizing galore. Not to mention working on my new spring line, making application deadlines for summer fall and Christmas artisan shows and taking on a new contract as the ‘social media maven’ (?) for Borealis Records. Yes, the WSL in in daycare part-time.  Going on 2 weeks and he LOVES it. I am not that kind of super-woman.

We may not have done ‘hard-core’ reno’s…but yea. It’s been quite enough for us! Phew! (Not to mention the actual pack, move and the un-packing which can’t really be done till the painting is done, all with a toddler under-foot, WHEEeeeEEEee!

Cheeky Bongo Boy

The WSL has been testing his lungs and his rhythm…which just happens to peak right after bath-time. He insists on streaking – and well, all babes should have some nekked time each day. Imagine (most of us can’t remember) what it would be like wearing a diaper 24/7. Plus, the tooshie is painfully cute. Undeniably, ridiculously adorable. Smile.

Mr. Skippy Pants

While this momma and her BSM were sleeping away the morning after their debaucherous round of Halloween costume donning, white russian and chinese food consuming, and other delightful things far too naughty to talk about here…

O yes, while we were having a luxurious, rare, in.dire.need.of – slumber past 6 am; this is what the WSL was doing. Oh no, he doesn’t just save the cute for us, apparently that’s just how he rolls. Neither do his g-parents (save the cute for only us), with whom he was staying over-night with apparently, as they put together this little diddy.

A 9 mo. Old Wee Strappin’ Lad aka: WSL

Could it be? My sweet baby boy; our Little Big Spirit Running, that you’ve entered into three quarters of a year in age? Nine months and a few days past when you found your place in this realm, here on earth. Leader from the sky; Wyndham Nighanagiizhig Tobias Mills.

You’d been dreamt about by me. Dreamt about by our elder as a wise leader from the spirit realm; here now, to run wild, happy and free. Running to discover the knowledge you have, as given to you by our grandfathers. But first it’s your toes to discover…tiny little nubs round and sweet as corn apparently, as you repeatedly flex them up to your mouth to gobble and slurp upon. The tickle of grass you clench and gritty feel of dirt you claw with glee. Your voice, your limbs, the magic in every corner. Every day is pure joy and exploration through your eyes, transposed into me. You give us such complete and natural bliss. The world is different now to us, to me, through your wise young eyes…

The Bacterial Death Squad

Has come to pay me an ever. So. Sweet. Visit. Arrooogaaahhh. The good part? I was not contagious. After all my homeopathic/natural medicine, rest, clear, non-sugary fluids by the gallon, several home sweats. With oils. After all of this I still felt like the Grim Reaper was at my door. Today is the first day I felt well enough to do more than barely scrape by my absolute responsibilities. Of which there are many. Thanks to good ‘ole penicillin. So. The benefits of believing in both science and nature I shall reap.

Trees & Hooties & Birdies oh my!

As promised, pics of the boys room and Heart’s new baby girl’s room. All wall art, (from drawn stencils) and pillows made by moi. Kitschy doo-dads are treasured foundlings during my thrift store escapades, of which there are many. It’s an addiction. Heart and I have been sistah’s for a long time now. I call her Heart because her last name is Harte and she has wee purple heart tat on her tummy. This is her and I back in the day.

This be art in progress for baby Heart’s room…

To Have & Have Not

What no words can paint. You, my Little Big Spirit Running; my Leader From The Sky, my prodigal son, have bequeathed unto me a blessing of the highest order.

Your presence, your trust, your life, your love.

As I sit and flounder over adjectives to describe the ample hole you have filled in this well-traveled soul; I mire against the trite. My love for you is vast and huge and deliciously intense. Although, to write about YOU is for another day. That deserves a dedication all it’s own. This day is for me to talk about a conception, I never thought I’d have.

Son, I laid tobacco down the other day; under that tree, the kind that speaks to your momma.

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