Posts Tagged: she’s crafty

DIY Duct Tape Holiday Banner (& Baby Shower!)

That’s right. Duct tape. It’s all the rage, didn’t you know? So incredibly easy, perfect to be hung in a multitude of places. I made a few of them, one for our mantle, one for the dreamcatcher wreath on our door (DIY for that to come!) and another for some fun I had styling an adorable snow owl themed baby shower. 

T-Nile’s West Coast Style

So this.

This is going to make your day. Your week. Perhaps your life. My pal Tamara Nile has floored and entertained me with this brilliance of parody, like BOOM! Like WHAM! Like POW!

I had no idea what gangnam was until tonight, and I’m still not so sure, but I do know that this shit is FUNNY and clever…


Things have been quiet around here this week and I realized that perhaps I should mention why. Come next week, these kitschy corners will have been over-hauled. As you may know, I do all of my own design work and the mister does all the coding. All I will say is that you you should probably expect the unexpected (eye roll, right?) as it’s all been rather agonizing/exciting.

I however have still found plenty of time to hoard up in the kitchen, drink excellent beer and wine, muddle about with pumpkins and gourds and play with my kiddos. So. At least there’s all of that. Here’s what we’ve been up to lately, photo essay style (which no, does not mean this is a lazy post, collages take time my friends!)


My sister in-law …(well, officially…not really. Someday – when we decide to officially get hitched it’ll be all officially official for ya). As I was syaing, my sister-in-law….

She turned 40 this past weekend and we had a grand weekend of family gatherings coupled with somewhat debaucherous shenanigans. The mister and I racked our brains on what to get her for this momentous day. It didn’t take long before it struck me. 

Bliggity Bloggedy Blogging Machine?

Lately, I’ve been rummaging. Sorting. Through the deep caverns that make up the complexity of my soul and mind. Often, the two – they have it out with each-other. They wrestle and grapple to make and enjoy peace at home, joy in the little things and lapse into a graceful stride. Stride and grace as a mother, stride and grace in my career(s). With a modicum of success.

One of a Kind Spring Show 2012

So lately, I’ve been gently dissecting Pros & Cons lists under a heavy restraint of realism, burgeoning from my dreams. How exactly does that work? I’ll let you know when I have it figured out.  In the meantime, it means making hard decisions, because a mother of young babies and toddlers simply cannot have multiple careers and live a happy life.

So. (cue the drum-roll)…

On Being Grateful: The Daddy Files

I’m not gonna lie. The mister has been gone for going on 6 days now and I am in over my head. #SendHelpNow. He’s on a tour withNathan Rogers, playing all the songs he grew up with in his dad’s studio – from Nathan’s dad, the late great Stan Rogers.

Some of you may not know who that is, so Ima going to school you. Because Stan is a Canadian folk icon and you’ll be the better for knowing. He was a legend really, a voice of and for the people. He sang of ships and hard-working people, the Great Lakes and Ontario.

On Blissdom & Girl Crushes

See that little badge over there? The Blissdom one?

14 days.

2 weeks until I attend my first blogging conference.


I’m just giving that one it’s own line. Room to breathe and stretch out in all of it’s sparkly magnificence.

Not just any blogging conference. The one where I exhibit at my first show in the U.S. (Y’all cross your fingers for me regarding all things ornery custom officials). It’s the one where I am one of the very few Newbie Community Leaders. It’s the one where I will come together with amazing women. Wonderful mamas. Top-notch business women.

There is so much feeling right now, that I am over-flowing with, concerning attending this conference – that it’s hard to put into words.

From The Vault: My Most Favourite Posts

I’ve noticed quite a few, “Top Posts of 2011″ and the like from writers in the blogging community.

I however have decided to choose from the much smaller collection from whence this blog began.

Why? Because I started out as an irregular, complete novice. Who still does not post everyday. However, come this year a whole lot of things are changing. The face of this site for one. Come February it’s going to be shiny and new, a hub for all that I do. More on that later.

This collection here? Is for me to share with those whom want to get to know me better, or those whom I really, really, like and want them to know me better. The awesome part about that is that it’s often a combo of the two.

It’s also a source of inspiration, for me – to come back to and meander over how I’ve evolved as a writer, found my voice and developed my mad blogging skillz. Because. Like I said. I plan on doing much more of this. In many ways. As an advocate, as a story-teller, as an ambassador and paid writer. But most importantly, for me and other women like me out there. Because the writing stuff? It heals. It empowers. It unites.

So. This curated list will be the first step into my second coming. A more frequent, constantly learning, embracing the everyday that is me. As a writer.  Gone the name acronyms will be, it’s about to get straight-up – the edgy that is me, REAL in here.

Without further ado…to serve as reminder to me. Kicks in the pants to me and FYI’s for you. So pull up a chair. Pour yourself a glass of vino. (I’m publishing this in the eveing people, as I pour myself a glass). Dig in.

Our Newest (Etsy) Addition: Sleepsacks!

Because babies are wriggly. And it’s dang cold outside. If you live in a cold climate like me. Even if not, those babies are famous for wanting to be all cozy and wrapped up. So demanding, I know!

So. There are woombies and sleep-sacks galore out there that you can parouse over on the internets. Most of them also cost about the price of a small goat. The organic ones? 2 goats. That’s crazy talk. If you’ve babies and a wallet to tend to, I’ve got your back. Avails in 0-18 months, you can custom order organic or vintage fabrics – or a combo of both.

Whatever floats your boat. Lined with high pile, warm and soft organic sherpa, fleece or flannel. (Flannel is a great light-weight choice, for those who don’t live in a cold climate, but still want to provide something cozy for their baby that they can’t kick off at night.) Check ’em out…

Tour of My Holiday Home

Welcome. Mayhaps you found your way here from the Babbles, as I peaked your interest and you wanted more. More Holiday Home Tour action. Because that coffee and Bailey’s I told you to pour yourself is not quite finished and if you’re like me, you find small pleasure in A. Christmas and all things decor related and, B. Pilfering your time away on the internets 2 days before said holiday C. Drinking bailey’s during the holidays. ICed or on coffee. (I should be the Holiday spokesperson for Bailey’s with the amount that i go on about it. Seriously. Uhm, hello Gilbey’s of Ireland? Or Diageo? I’m right here. I’m your woman for 2012.

Anyhoo…behold! My nerdly, blitzed out splendour…

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