Posts Tagged: toddlers


It’s the most magical time of the year. That super special time for those of us with toddlers wherein we embrace the big, jolly, hairy white lie that is Santa Clause, (don’t even talk to me about how wrong that is. Just stop it with that) and knuckle down for some serious vacation time, merriment and family gatherings.

Which all usually revolves around lots of travel. At least for us. In a car. For hours.

Doing so without loosing one’s mind takes some patience, creativity and organization…

Toronto Island Hits The Spot

Boat Rides



In these last few precious days of summer, I can’t help but look forward to fall. Autumn would be my favourite time of year if we had the long days of sunlight that come with the summer.

That’s the one thing that truly makes my heart ache a little with the change of seasons (from summer to fall). When the daylight hours start to trickle down and it starts to get dark earlier. Soon, we’ll be trying to get dinner on the table earlier so we can still get in a walk or a trip to the park before it gets dark.

Summer always seems so short and winter is so, so long. I try to remember that whenever I get a hankering for fall. I also try to pack in as much outdoor activities during the last days of August as I can. I think many mothers must do this. Right?

On The Move From Misery & Reggie Watts

Since the catastrophic catastrophe (yes, that is INDEED how it’s been), of my hard-drive giving me the royal salute, things have been quiet around here.

Which I had vowed not to do since becoming a full-time writer and all. Suffice to say things are back up and running and I am slowly rebuiling what I lost since my last back-up.

My one word of advice to those of you whose world’s would some to a screeching halt if your hard-drive went BOOM?

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